Agency Senegalese
Tourism Promotion

Taamu Senegal

The Agency Senegalese Tourism Promotion launches the campaign "Taamu Senegal" a policy for the promotion and stimulation of internal demand.

The main objective of this initiative is to facilitate the meeting and tourist offer of the national demand.

Launched in June 2020, in the midst of a crisis for public health and economic world, the campaign "Taamu Senegal" has played a real role as a shock absorber that has helped to keep the activities of the tourism industry.

The evaluation of the first phase carried out with the actors in the tourism sector, has seen a real revival of tourist flows by the senegalese and foreign residents in Senegal.

The campaign "Taamu Senegal" focuses on the experiences and tourist activities, emotions, desires, discoveries and journeys, relying on an offer to both new and diverse tourism products.

This is to encourage more nationals, residents, diaspora to discover the experiences exceptional tourism Destination Senegal, to live alone, in couple, between friends or in family.

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